In this way, he "ripped" the graphics from Lemmings, and used them while developing his version of Artillery. Andy was working on a program called "Jack the Ripper" for the Amiga personal computer, which allowed him to trawl the residual contents of RAM after applications had been run and quit. Worms is based on the 2D classic Artillery, and originally did not feature Worms, but the "Lemmings" from the popular game of the same name. The very first Worms game was originally made by Andy Davidson. However, the series' characters are almost entirely left out, since Worms focuses mostly on the missions and combat. There are also villains like Professor Worminkle and Boggy the Kid. The series also has a few characters, such as Boggy B, Spadge, and Clagnut. Players will use the Worm-like acrobats or Tarzan, who swings from rope-to-rope. The game series also contains less common Schemes like Rope Racing, where the players should get from the start to the finish as fast as possible while only using the Ninja Rope. The players will just get a specific amount of weapons, while other weapons, utilities and additional health can be found in Crates which drop from the sky. Utilities can also be found in game, such as the Ninja Rope, a flexible rope with more options than expected for moving Worms, the Jet Pack, and the Teleport. The game contains normal weapons like the Bazooka, Shotgun and the Uzi, but also unusual and bizarre weapons like the Concrete Donkey, Super Sheep, Banana Bomb, etc. Each team has weapons to defeat the enemy team. The match can also be won if the other team Surrenders. This goal can be achieved by using weapons to reduce the enemy Worms' energy to zero, or drown them.

The goal of each game is to eliminate all Worms in each enemy's team. Worms is a turn-based, artillery, strategy and puzzling game series.